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St Tierney's Primary School, Roslea, Co Fermanagh

Topic Work - Ourselves

2nd Oct 2018

Class Display - Ourselves
Class Display - Ourselves
'I can make a face and label the parts.'
'I can make a face and label the parts.'
Working together on a collage.
Working together on a collage.
'We can name all the body parts.'
'We can name all the body parts.'
'I can make a shape picture of myself and my daddy.'
'I can make a shape picture of myself and my daddy.'
'I can make a face and label the parts.'
'I can make a face and label the parts.'
'I can make a face and label the parts.'
'I can make a face and label the parts.'
'I can use the computer to draw a self portrait.'
'I can use the computer to draw a self portrait.'
'I can use the computer to draw a self portrait.'
'I can use the computer to draw a self portrait.'
Class Display - Ourselves
Class Display - Ourselves