Access Keys:

St Tierney's Primary School, Roslea, Co Fermanagh
Dinner Menu Week 2 (24th - 28th March)
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Free School Meals and Uniform Allowance
Use this link to
access information
on applying for Free
School Meals and
Uniform Allowance
Home to School Transport Application
Use this link to
check your child's
eligibility and
apply for EA Home to
School transport.

Safer Schools NI
Support for keeping
safe online
Support Your Child With Maths Difficulties
A range of CEA
resources and
strategies to
support your child
with certain aspects
of Numeracy
Collins Big Cat - Free ebooks - FS/KS1
Click on teacher
portal and enter
and Password:

EA - Supporting Learning at Home
Ideas and resources
from the Education
Authority to help
with continued
learning at home.
Grow in Love - Religious Programme
Use the login email
address and password
to help you continue
with the Grow In
Love programme. Lots
of lovely stories
and songs to help
with the teaching.
Password: growinlove
Libraries Ni
Access to free
ebooks online
My School Login
Gives children
access to school
documents and apps
including Newsdesk -
Username and
Password required

Oxford Owl
Create a free parent
account to access
100's of free ebooks
- including those
from our main FS/KS1
reading scheme
Oxford Reading Tree
Top Marks
Educational Games to
support learning
across the
Enter code
access power points,
worksheets and
activities to help
with your work.
CCEA - Northern Ireland Curriculum
Advice and guidance
around the NI
NSPCC - Online Safety
Tips on how to talk
to your child about
keeping safe online