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St Tierney's Primary School, Roslea, Co Fermanagh
Music Money Due for Jan & Feb - £5 per month. | Friends of St Tierney's Family Quiz Night Friday 7th March in St Tierney's P.S | School Photographer - Monday 24th February
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2017/2018 School Year

11th May 2018
As part of the schools ‘All Ages Mindfulness Programme’ the pupils of...
4th May 2018
To finish off our Food Glorious Food Topic, the pupils had to taste lots of different...
4th May 2018
All the boys and girls dressed up as a superhero to celebrate the end of The Big...
3rd May 2018
P3 pupils delivered a lovely assembly focused on the importance of Our Lady, Mary,...
3rd May 2018
Well done and thank you to all the pupils, parents, staff and community who have...
3rd May 2018
Staff and Parents were given the opportunity to participate in a 'Healthy Mind Healthy...