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St Tierney's Primary School, Roslea, Co Fermanagh
Dinner Menu Week 4 (10th - 14th March)
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2020/2021 School Year

22nd May 2021
Primary 4 celebrated their First Holy Communion day in St. Tierney’s Church....
19th May 2021
Massive thank you to our wonderful caretaker Paul, for coming to talk to the P1...
15th May 2021
P3/4 are really enjoying all the different outdoor sports activities at their Afterschool...
15th May 2021
The girls and boys in P3/4 really enjoyed designing and making models of various...
13th May 2021
11th May 2021
Primary 2 had so much fun completing our Literacy work in the outdoor classroom....
9th May 2021
For a little change on a beautiful May day we decided to take our lunch outside....