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St Tierney's Primary School, Roslea, Co Fermanagh
Dinner Menu Week 3 (31st March - 4th March)
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Look What Primary 5 Have Been Up To

16th Sep 2022

This week in Primary 5, we had lots of fun.

For Roald Dahl day, the children were split up into teams for a quiz. The questions were all about Roald Dahl.

We also created Superhero profiles which were really interesting. The children got to name their Superhero, explain what they sounded like and looked like.

We then played ‘ Guess The Character’ where one child was chosen at a time to wear the sticky note on their forehead and they had to ask the rest of the class questions in order to find out who they were. We had lots of fun doing this. Some of the characters we used were, Mr Wormwood, Miss Honey and Miss Trunchball from Matilda. We also had Willy Wonka, Oompa Loompa and Augustus Gloop from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and lots more.