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St Tierney's Primary School, Roslea, Co Fermanagh
Dinner Menu Week 3 (31st March - 4th March)
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St Tierney's achieve Green Flag Success!

23rd Jun 2020

We are delighted that St Tierney's have been awarded a prestigious Eco-Schools Green Flag by the environmental charity 'Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful.' The internationally recognised Green Flag is this highest award given to Eco-Schools and symbolises excellence in the field of environmental activity. We have been working hard for the past year and a half to achieve this success. Our Eco Committee's main focus during this time has been on litter, waste and energy, including transport and biodiversity. Some of the work undertaken by our school has ranged from organising a 'Big Spring Clean Up', partaking in 'Cash for Clobber', to placing bird feeders around our school grounds, planting and tidying up in the community, including our church grounds and continuing to build on our already very strong links with Sustrans.

With special thanks to this year's and of course last year's Eco Committee for working tirelessly in school to implement brown food bins in each class, monitor how energy was being wasted and for being ambassadors for using less plastic within school which resulted in us signing a 'Plastic Promise' and KS2 actively taking on the challenge to use less straws. I have really enjoyed our regular meetings and look forward to continuing this success throughout the school. 

We would like to thank the whole school community for helping us with our initiatives. #GoingGreenfor2019/20

Mrs McElroy & the Eco Committee 2019/2020