Board of Governors
The Board of Governors consists of the Principal and nine nominees; one teacher nominee, one parent representative, one Department of Education nominee, two Education Authority and four Trustee nominees. The Board is responsible for the overall management of the school and meets approximately every six weeks in the academic year. It monitors and evaluates the schools effectiveness at providing the best quality of education for all. Its responsibilities are –
- The delivery of the Northern Ireland Curriculum
- Admission and Enrolment of Pupils
- Formation, Implementation and Review of Policies
- Self-Evaluation and School Development Planning
- Budget Management
- Performance Review and Staff Development
- Promoting Positive Behaviour
- Salary Review
- Responding to the initiatives of the Department of Education and Education Authority
- Fostering Links with the Local Community
The current Board will complete its term of office in Autumn 2022.
St Tierney’s Board of Governors:
Trustee Representatives:
Fr Chester (Chairperson)
Mrs Paula Keenan (Vice-Chair)
Mr Kevin Boyle
Mrs Michelle McClave
Education Authority Representatives:
Mrs Sarah Boyle & Mrs Breege Conlon
DENI Representative: Geraldine Connolly
Parent Representative: Liz Rooney
Teacher Representative: Mrs Michelle Beacom
Principal : Mrs Elaine Murray (Secretary)
St Tierney's Primary School, 8 Eshnadarragh Road, Mullaghconnolly, Roslea, Co Fermanagh, BT92 7JS
Phone: 028 6775 1493