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St Tierney's Primary School, Roslea, Co Fermanagh
Dinner Menu Week 2 (24th - 28th March)
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Digital Leaders


The Digital Leaders group has been set up to develop ICT skills through-out the school, They will be trained up in line with the ICT curriculum and will bring back new skills to share with the rest of their classes.

Congratulations to the following pupils who have been elected as digital leaders:

Jayden McCaughery, Coen McClave, Darcie Mohan-O'Leary & Amelia Smyth - P5

Kate Conlon, Filip Michalski & Harry Rooney & Lilly-May McCusker- P6

Meabh McArdle, Annie McCormick, Molly-Rose Maguire, Ethan Woods & Conor Boyle - P7


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Mrs Beacon is looking forward to working with our Digital Leaders for the 2024-25...
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Our P3 pupils really benefited from working and learning alongside our Key Stage...