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St Tierney's Primary School, Roslea, Co Fermanagh
Dinner Menu Week 2 (24th - 28th March)
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Sustrans - Cycle & Walk To School


ST Tierney's are currently in Year 3 of the Sustrans Programme having recently being awarded with the Silver Award. As part of this programme we will be walking or cycling to school on the last Friday of each month, meeting  in McCague's car park @ 8.40am on these mornings. We hope to see you all there.



4th Feb 2024
A brilliant turn out for Walk to School day and lots of happy boys and girls arriving...
1st Dec 2023
A perfect crisp winter morning for our Ditch the Dark Walk to School. A wonderful...
29th Sep 2023
September Feel Good Friday started with a lovely walk to school in the sunshine.