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St Tierney's Primary School, Roslea, Co Fermanagh
Dinner Menu Week 4 (10th - 14th March)
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News - P4 & P5 Mrs Kelly-8

2019/2020 School Year

23rd Jun 2020
We take a look at all the lovely memories we made this year in P3 and 4. I enjoyed...
21st May 2020
As First Holy Communion was due to take place this Saturday, 23rd of May, Father...
13th Mar 2020
We had a lovely afternoon in school celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. The children...
3rd Mar 2020
Thank you to Janice from NSPCC who visited us to deliver their ‘Speak Out...
13th Feb 2020
The P3 and P4 enjoying their extended schools art club.  They painted gnomes,...